Monday, January 14, 2019

HTML Class 1 #.

Asslam o Alaikum;
dear Friends today i start a new course of Web Designing for you . A complete course with short and easy classes. so let's start your
First Class.

HTML Class 1 #.
There is first class for you making your first page with written "My first web page" . Welcome to your First Class. You know For better Website experience you need basic to advanced Knowledge of Web developing . for this you need to learn firs Basic HTML , CSS , JAVASCRIPT and then PHP.

  • HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup Language . it use for creating Webpages.
  • CSS stand for Cascade Style Sheet . it use for Styling the Webpage.
  • JAVASCRIPT it is a Scripting Language that use for Web Programming.
  • PHP stand for Personal Home Page . it use for Server Side Web Programming.


<!DOCTYPE html>




<meta charset="UTF-8"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>



                   <font>My first web page</font>




My first web page

HTML Class 2 #.

HTML Class 2 #.

Asslam o Alaikum dear Friends. A complete course with short and easy classes. so let's start your HTML Class.

HTML Class 2 #.
In your second class i tell you how to you style your text in a page . Styling the text like Bold Italic Underline Strike etc.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
<b>this text is bold<b>
<i>this text is italic<i>
<u>this text is underline<u>



this text is bold
this text is italic
this text is underline

Sunday, January 13, 2019

HTML Class 3 #.

HTML Class 3 #.

Asslam o Alaikum
dear Friends. A complete course with short and easy classes. so let's start your HTML Class.

HTML Class 3 #.
In This class i tell you how to change color of your text in a page .


<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
  <font color="red">This text color i set Red<font>
<font color="green">This text color i set Green<font>
<font color="blue">This text color i set Blur<font>


This text color i set Red
This text color i set Green
This text color i set Blur

Saturday, January 12, 2019

HTML Class 4 #.

HTML Class 4 #.

Asslam o Alaikum dear Friends. A complete course with short and easy classes. so let's start your HTML Class.

HTML Class 4 #.

In This class i tell you how to change size of your text in a page .

Code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
  <font size="12">This is text of size 12<font>
<font size="16">This is text of size 14<font>
<font size="22">This is text of size 22<font>


This is text of size 12
This is text of size 16
This is text of size 22

Thanks For reading :

Meet you in next Class.

Comment me if you have any trouble or question .

Friday, January 11, 2019

HTML Class 5 # .

HTML Class 5 #.

Asslam o Alaikum dear Friends. A complete course with short and easy classes. so let's start your HTML Class.

HTML Class 5 #.

In This class i tell you how to start a new line in a page .

Code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
  Hi their i break a line with "br tag" <br> this text will print in new line.


  Hi their i break a line with "br tag"
  this text will print in new line.

Thanks For reading :

Meet you in next Class.

Comment me if you have any trouble or question .

Thursday, January 10, 2019

HTML Class 6 #.

HTML Class 6 #.

Asslam o Alaikum dear Friends. A complete course with short and easy classes. so let's start your HTML Class.

HTML Class 6 #.

In This class i tell you how to start a paragraph with tag <p> in a page .

Code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
 <p>This text print on a webpage as a paragraph . paragraph is a bundle of words and lines...</p>


This text print on a webpage as a paragraph . paragraph is a bundle of words and lines...

Thanks For reading :

Meet you in next Class.

Comment me if you have any trouble or question .

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

HTML Class 7# .

HTML Class 7 #.

Asslam o Alaikum dear Friends. A complete course with short and easy classes. so let's start your HTML Class.

HTML Class 7 #.

In This class i tell you how to make table in a page .

Code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
<table border="3px">
 td tag elements are used for table cells
this is a cell
 td tag is used to create table column
tr tag is used to create table rows


td tag elements are used for table cells

this is a cell

td tag is used to create table column

tr tag is used to create table rows

Thanks For reading :

Meet you in next Class.

Comment me if you have any trouble or question .

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