Saturday, January 28, 2023

list of common HTML tags:

 The following is a list of common HTML tags:

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>
  4. <body>
  5. <h1> - <h6> (headings)
  6. <p> (paragraph)
  7. <a> (anchor)
  8. <img> (image)
  9. <div> (division)
  10. <span>
  11. <ul> (unordered list)
  12. <ol> (ordered list)
  13. <li> (list item)
  14. <header>
  15. <nav>
  16. <main>
  17. <section>
  18. <article>
  19. <aside>
  20. <footer>
  21. <form>
  22. <input>
  23. <label>
  24. <select>
  25. <option>
  26. <textarea>
  27. <button>
  28. <table>
  29. <tr> (table row)
  30. <th> (table header)
  31. <td> (table data)
  32. <style>
  33. <link>
  34. <meta>
  35. <script>

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